Group Ticket Rate at Tonight's Bout

The power of 3! Bring your friends to tonight's roller derby bout to take advantage of our 3 for $30 deal. Our group rate allows you to get the pre-sale price, even if you procrastinated a bit.
You don't want to miss the action at tonight's game. After a hard-fought weekend at Coastal Chaos, our All-Stars are ready to end their home season with a bang. Watch out for Out-Break Meggo to show off some footwork as she dances around blockers, and don't miss the heavy-hitting of her sister, Skarlet Bekillyas, who won the fan-favorite blocker award at Coastal Chaos!
The Diamond State Roller Girls are travelling up from Newark, DE to take on your SPRD All-Stars. DSRG is currently ranked 211 - just 10 spots ahead of SPRD. Your All-Stars have had a good track record of wins versus DSRG, but our opponent is definitely ready to give a good fight tonight.
Save some money. See some action. Have a blast! We'll see you soon - doors open at 6pm at Rollway Skating Center in Hammonton, NJ - just off the Atlantic City Expressway, and centrally located in South Jersey.