WFTDA Rankings Debut

We've debuted on the WFTDA rankings for the first time! Shore Points Roller Derby is currently #201 in the world. Congratulations to our All-Stars on the blood, sweat, and bruises they put into leaving it all on the track in order to earn this rank!
See our current rank here:
A lot of hard work has gone into this milestone, on and OFF the track. We want to extend our thanks to every volunteer, official, friend, family member, and fan who has been there to support us and help us reach our goals. Thank you to the leadership, coaches, captains, and skaters for your dedication to the sport.
There have been many members of Shore Points throughout the years since our founding in 2007 - and every single member's hard work has lead to this moment. Let's take a moment to congratulate everyone involved on a job well done.
And now - onward and upward! Next stop: Dvision 2!