We would like to thank our current and any future sponsors for their generous support!!!
SPRD and SPRD Juniors welcomes and thanks our sponsors!
We invite you and your business to help support flat track roller derby. Your sponsorship will promote your business to a diverse audience
and support a sport which is experiencing a national resurgence. Your business name and logo will appear on various and numerous
league- and event-related promotional items. Custom Sponsorship Packages are available by contacting us.
Let us reach our fans with your message! Place an ad in our season program, and it will be seen by our fans at monthly homr games throughout the year. Various ad sizes and sponsorship levels are available.
Why Advertise with us?
Shore Points Roller Derby is the premier flat track roller derby league in South Jersey. Your sponsorship helps your business, and also supports a local endeavor that enhances the lives over 50 league members and numerous fans who share the goal of furthering the sport of roller derby while also giving back to the community through charity and volunteerism.
Who Will see my Ad?
According to WFTDA's 2012 Demographic Survey (2,262 fans surveyed from around the globe), the following types of people attend roller derby events:
Average fan age: 37.0 years old
Male: 39%, Female: 61%
Annual household income greater than $50,000: 55% Annual household income greater than $75,000: 33% Education: 84% with some college education
Straight: 82%, GLBT: 18%
See the Results of WFTDA's 2012 Demographic Survey
Our website is frequented in majority by fans of entertainment, sports, and fitness who primarily live in South and Central NJ along the AC Expressway corredor.
We also engage thousands of fans via social media platforms such as Facebook. Twitter, and Instagram.
Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Email us at sponsorship@shorepointsrollerderby.com for more info!
Learn how to become a sponsor. Fill out the form below for more info.